Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who Do You Love? The Guilty Pleasures Meme:

Music: apparently McCain and I are alone on this one - ABBA. Does EVERYBODY else have negative associations for them (a la Neil Diamond, apparently)? Not me, I love love love 'em.Food: well, I guess you could call it food... Cheetos. I know, I am all rah-rah Farmer's Market and local food, making my own bread and all sorts of stuff, but Cheetos are my chemical dependency of choice.

Movies: Love Actually (or Bridget Jones, pretty much any drivel with Hugh Grant or Colin Firth. It's the uber-rom-com genre specifically, I guess, because I don't feel guilty over anything Jane Austen).TV: Ugly Betty. I have no shame over Dr. Who and Torchwood, but any show with Posh as a guest star has got to be slightly embarrassing.Books: cheesy sci-fi and fantasy. I'm getting better, I don't buy these any more, I wait until the library gets them - Terry Pratchett and Mercedes Lackey are a couple of good examples of the stuff I don't want to get caught reading in public (I call them bathtub books, because I can read a whole one in a single good bubble bath session).

I'm going to tag Wende, Lorijo, and Mella on this one (and Zack and Cheryl, if you're around). I figure the Canadians are just too good for this - I assume they have no guilty pleasures ;)


scb said...

"the Canadians are just too good for this"... an interesting concept. Okay, I'm gonna take that as a challenge.

Anne At Large said...

Totally a challenge. I can't just say "I tag everybody", now, can I?

thefarmersdaughter said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE ABBA! You are not alone ( or alone with John McCain ) I'm in on the meme- but it's going to be tomorrow before I get anything up.

Erin said...

And here I thought everyone DID love ABBA!

drwende said...

Erin now has me browsing Youtube for depressing alternative covers of ABBA, to see if that works a little better for me... So far the winner is Sinergy's cover of "Gimme gimme gimme," and they're actually a female power-metal band. From Finland. Whatever.

The odd thing is I like the musical "Chess," where the music was written by the men from ABBA.

Anne At Large said...

Lorijo and Erin, you make me feel better! and Wende, youtube is becoming a new distraction, there are some strange ABBA covers on there. Sinergy is pretty good although the chorus seems somehow lacking. The Yngwie Malmstein one is totally surreal - he's an insane heavy metal guitarist with heavy classical influences and the last one I expected to find covering ABBA. Weird.