Music: apparently McCain and I are alone on this one - ABBA. Does EVERYBODY else have negative associations for them (a la Neil Diamond, apparently)? Not me, I love love love 'em.Food: well, I guess you could call it food... Cheetos. I know, I am all rah-rah Farmer's Market and local food, making my own bread and all sorts of stuff, but Cheetos are my chemical dependency of choice.
Movies: Love Actually (or Bridget Jones, pretty much any drivel with Hugh Grant or Colin Firth. It's the uber-rom-com genre specifically, I guess, because I don't feel guilty over anything Jane Austen).TV: Ugly Betty. I have no shame over Dr. Who and Torchwood, but any show with Posh as a guest star has got to be slightly embarrassing.Books: cheesy sci-fi and fantasy. I'm getting better, I don't buy these any more, I wait until the library gets them - Terry Pratchett and Mercedes Lackey are a couple of good examples of the stuff I don't want to get caught reading in public (I call them bathtub books, because I can read a whole one in a single good bubble bath session).
I'm going to tag Wende, Lorijo, and Mella on this one (and Zack and Cheryl, if you're around). I figure the Canadians are just too good for this - I assume they have no guilty pleasures ;)
"the Canadians are just too good for this"... an interesting concept. Okay, I'm gonna take that as a challenge.
Totally a challenge. I can't just say "I tag everybody", now, can I?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE ABBA! You are not alone ( or alone with John McCain ) I'm in on the meme- but it's going to be tomorrow before I get anything up.
And here I thought everyone DID love ABBA!
Erin now has me browsing Youtube for depressing alternative covers of ABBA, to see if that works a little better for me... So far the winner is Sinergy's cover of "Gimme gimme gimme," and they're actually a female power-metal band. From Finland. Whatever.
The odd thing is I like the musical "Chess," where the music was written by the men from ABBA.
Lorijo and Erin, you make me feel better! and Wende, youtube is becoming a new distraction, there are some strange ABBA covers on there. Sinergy is pretty good although the chorus seems somehow lacking. The Yngwie Malmstein one is totally surreal - he's an insane heavy metal guitarist with heavy classical influences and the last one I expected to find covering ABBA. Weird.
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