My husband heard an interview with David Lee Roth after they took away his radio show (he was filling in for Howard Stern for a while), where they asked him if he was angry that they were kicking him off the air. His response was something to the effect of "Normally I would only be up this early if I was paying cabfare for the stripper". Not that I approve of that, but I do appreciate some authenticity. I went to their reunion tour show in Reno and they tear shit up. They do not phone it in and they do not sound the same as they did 20 years ago, but they sound damn good.
This is how I want my rock stars to dress. I bet even money that this man does not have a stylist. And I hope I look that good when I am 50. Although maybe not with that haircut.
Also, my mom gave me some of her old Weight Watchers cookbooks and things, so I am trying to give their portion control system a shot. Further updates as events warrant. I don't eat
badly, but I do like to snack...
Sounds like an awesome show! If they are that good still I must check it out. But never without DLR
I'd totally assume DLR has a stylist BUT...
...I'm good with the concept of a stylist whose mission is to make the star more himself (or herself), as in "Sweetie, this shirt is consistent with your personal style and makes you look stunning, but this superficially similar one, not so much, so please back away slowly from shirt #2, THANK YOU."
It's the ill-informed slapping of standardized "fashion" on people -- as if you can make someone into a specific kind of person, and then hey, let's get the personality wrong while we're at it -- that tees me off.
DLR looks like himself, for good or ill.
Wende, that's a much better way to put it - he looks like HIMSELF. What I want to know is if the Van Halen family had a stylist as well - Eddie was in camo cargo pants (that's a fiftysomething who is looking darn good shirtless), Alex was in an undershirt and a Rambo headband, and Wolfgang looked like he had come straight from school (black sweatshirt, hair in his face).
Zack, they are totally worth seeing. Matt dragged me to the Oakland show after Dietrich couldn't make it and now I am a TOTAL convert. I think four of their first 5 albums are on my iPod as we speak.
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