Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Beast Is Back! plus recipe!

Among the annoyances last week that culminated in me getting locked in at work and having to jump a fence so I didn't end up sleeping in a greenhouse...

I managed to break the jar thing on my beloved blender. This thing was a solid glass monster and we used it every day for smoothies until my sink ate it. My sink has now eaten at least half a dozen pint glasses AND a blender. New sink will definitely be stainless steel if I ever get to redo this kitchen. Sigh. But the point is, at 7pm tonight the UPS guy finally showed up with our new blender jar thing. And all is right with the world. So I am off to watch a cheesy movie.

For an awesome start to your day:
1 banana
6 strawberries
1 c. orange juice
1 c. mixed froz. berries
1 T. ground flaxseed
whatever looks good at the farmer's market should that be an option.

Blend together in your nice new blender and enjoy. Below is our blender - not my picture of it of course though. But I say NO to ice in my smoothies. Frozen berries do the job much better.

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