Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes, Virginia, There Is Another Project

But of course! When your 102-year-old grandmother tells you she wants to give you something, you don't say no (well, not more than two or three times). Despite all the doilies and china she has given me that are stashed away in the closet (at least I use the silver!), this time I said yes to something I will actually use! The table that held her turntable (and my board books in the drawers, way back when) will soon be holding our stereo (and probably guitar tuners in the drawers). However, it's a project (of course). We're going to call this part of #25 on the list (which involves basically "finishing" the living room to some degree of personal satisfaction).

What do you mean, "Annie take some damn Before pictures"? I like a nice During picture instead. The old finish is coming off, slowly and stickily, to reveal much lighter wood in some areas than others. I am hoping the sanding part of the process will even things out a little bit. The veneer on the sides is a little chipped but that is mostly on the bottom corners so I may just ignore it and go La La La instead. The top is solid and cleaned up well, but I am a little scared to start the sanding process. I am thinking of finishing it with some sort of wax because I really like the grain of the wood and wouldn't mind showing it off.

Here you can see the drawers, one with no finish and one still with gloopy finish and awesome pull. The pulls are brass or something, and definitely too cool to get rid of, so I have to figure out how to clean them and possibly put some kind of protective lacquer on them (as I seem to be removing whatever was left). Also, my wonky toes.

So far everything is going well (knock on wood) as long as I remember to keep the door to the garage open so I get a little ventilation in here. I know I should wait until summer and do it outside but I am doing it in short bursts so I don't kill too many brain cells. Next up... sanding! Wish me luck!


lsaspacey said...

Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Anne At Large said...

Me neither, it is taking For Ever.