Saturday, May 10, 2008

The grand experiment

I have now planted:

three tomatoes
one zucchini
one cucumber
one cauliflower
and one artichoke (hey, who knows?)

along with a bunch of curly kale seeds, and a batch of "mixed mesclun" in a pot. We'll see what happens.

In a couple of weeks my seedling order comes in, which will have three more tomatoes, two more peppers and an eggplant. I just have to figure out where to put them. I really hope all of this stuff survives and thrives, I need to remember to water it regularly (the goal is to put out a soaker hose once the rest of the stuff is in, so I can just go turn it on and forget about it since we've got a timer).

Tomorrow I need to finish the weeding and plant two shrubs and my basil plants since they're going to go in the shade of the shrubs. None of my herbs have seemed to do well with full sun exposure (which the veggies all supposedly need) so they are going along the fence in the shade of the shrubs. This may replace my gym attendance for the weekend, we'll see. I am tired after today, I think it must be the weeding. We've got nasty bermuda grass where I want to put my flagstone path and it's still early enough in the growing season that I want to get it before it gets my yard! Not that it will take over and be lawn-like, just scruff up the path area so I can't lay it nice and flat. The flagstone for the backyard is the big fall project - aka I am not allowed to start it for real until I have graduated (August, which will be too hot to do more than shop for flagstone, so...September).

Last night we went to a BBQ, I brought a bunch of appetizers, which were a big success (Trader Joe's saves the day!) and Matt's band played, which was also a big success. Also, I wore my new sandals and even got complimented on them (another big success, although they'll need a bit of breaking in, which is ok as ALL the reviews said they break in nice and fast).

I will post some garden pictures when I finish getting everything in, at this point, I am going to go finish my movie and contemplate everyone's movie lists while I think about making my own favorite movie list (clearly this is the wrong crowd for movie quotes).

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